Success, the site was updated.
18th October, 2010
Dr O'Brien, lectured to the Thomond Archaeological Society, Limerick, on the topic 'Pagan or Christian? Burial rites in Ireland 5th to 8th century AD.
26th September, 2010
Dr O'Brien read a paper 'Politics, Family, Religion - Burial Rites in Ireland 5th to 8th centuries AD, at the Conference in the Humanities Institute of Ireland, UCD, 'The Role of Death, Burial and the Afterlife in Shaping Human Identity'
27th June, 2010
Dr O'Brien read a paper 'An overview of burial practices in Ireland 5th to 8th centuries AD' at the Irish Conference of Medievalists, NUI Galway
21st April, 2010
Dr O'Brien presented a further update on the Mapping Death project at the Discovery Programme Seminar in Dublin
19th April, 2010
Dr O'Brien presented an update on the Mapping Death project 'Burials, Boundaries, Territories in Ireland, 1st - 8th centuries AD, at the IAI Conference in Galway
27th/28th November 2009
A very successful open International Conference was held at the Helen Roe Theatre, 63 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, on Friday and Saturday 27th and 28th November 2009. It is envisaged that papers delivered at this conference will form part of a publication based on the work of the Mapping Death project.
5th November,2009
Dr O'Brien delivered a public lecture 'Pagan or Christian? Burial in Ireland 5th to 8th centuries AD' at University College Cork.
29th October 2009
Dr O'Brien conducted a Graduate History Seminar at the School of History and Archives, UCD, on the subject of burials in Early Medieval Ireland.
25th October 2009
Dr O'Brien presented a paper entitled 'Early Medieval burial on Tara: Fact or fiction' at the Tara Symposium, UCD
17th to 21st August 2009
Members of the project team, Dr Edel Bhreathnach, Dr. Elva Johnston,and Dr. Elizabeth O'Brien, delivered papers at the Rathmichael Historical Society's Summer lecture series in August, based on the theme of 'Pagan to Christian; the Conversion period in Ireland'. Other speakers included Mr Charlie Doherty, and Ms. Elizabeth Dawson of the UCD School of History and Archives.
The lecture series was extremely successfull and all papers were very well received., Attendances at the lectures were way up on those of previous years.
19th April, 2009
As part of the Roscrea Spring Conference, for which the theme this year was: 'The early centuries of Irish Christianity: transition from paganism' held 17th-19th April 2009, organised by George Cunningham M. Litt, FSA:
Dr O'Brien delivered a paper entitled 'Pagan or Christian? Burial in Ireland 5th to 7th centuries AD',
Dr Bhreathnachl delivered a paper entitled 'UCD Micheal O Cleirigh Institute's project on 'Mapping Death'; how one of the major themes now emerging from the evidence relates to the process of conversion'.
There was an overflow attendance at the Conference, and the papers were very well received.
25th March, 2009
Dr O'Brien delivered a lecture to the UCD Archaeological Society, entitled 'Burial in Early Medieval Ireland'
4th March 2009
A paper entitled 'Burial rituals and the Christianisation of Poland' was delivered by Professor Przemyslaw Urbanczyk in the Humanities Institute of Ireland, UCD. The paper covered the conversion period in central Europe in the 8th, 9th and 10th centuries AD, culminating with the conversion of Poland in the 10th century. In Poland, it would appear that Christian inhumation burial rites only appeared on the periphery of the area in the mid. 11th century, and that pagan burial customs cremation) survived until the 13th century. The study of burial rites in the period is ongoing.
This lecture was sponsored by The Humanities Institute of Ireland, UCD Micheal O Cleirigh Institute and UCD School of Archaeology.
16th February 2009
Dr O'Brien read a paper entitled 'The Mapping Death Project' at The Discovery Programme Research Seminar, held at 63 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. In this paper she outlined the background to, and aims of, the Project, and presented aspects of some unusual burial practices during the period under review.
December 2008
Details outlining the background and aims of the Mapping Death project published in Archaeology Ireland, Vol. 22, No. 4. Winter 2008, p. 4.
29th November 2008
Dr O'Brien presented a paper 'Mapping Death: People, Boundaries and Territories in Ireland 1st to 8th centuries AD' at the UCD Research Strand's second Research Coloquium 'Death, Burial and the Afterlife' in the Humanities Institute of Ireland building. The paper outlined (a) the background to the Mapping Death project, and (b) described some aspects of burial practices of the period 1st to 8th centuries AD.
22 November 2008
A very successful symposium ‘Mapping Death: People, Boundaries and Territories in Ireland, 1st to 8th Centuries AD’,was held at UCD School of History & Archives, University College Dublin on 22 November. The attendance numbered 80 people.The inter-disciplinary papers presented were all well received, and resulted in very interesting questions and comments from the floor.
21 October 2008
Dr O’Brien conducted a 2 hr Seminar for MA Early Irish History students in the School of History UCD as part of the interdisciplinary teaching aspect of the Project. In the Seminar she outlined the association of archaeology with Early Irish History.
17th/18th October 2008
Dr O’Brien attended the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland Conference in Sligo, at which she participated in the Poster Session, where she displayed a poster outlining the aims of the Mapping Death Project. She also distributed leaflets with details of the project and promoting the Symposium on 22nd November. She reports excellent feedback from informal discussions with delegates..
October 2008
Drs O’Brien and Johnson have been invited, and have agreed, to form part of the Doctoral Supervisory Panel for PhD student Matt Seaver (School of Archaeology).
25 September 2008
Project website goes live.
August 2008
Poster, outlining the Project accepted for IAI Conference in Sligo
August 2008
Distribution of leaflets outlining the project to interested parties at NRA Seminar in Dublin
May 2008
Dr Elizabeth O’Brien appointed as Post-Doctoral Fellow, UCD Mícheál Ó Cléirigh Institute to work as Principal Researcher on the project.
May 2008
Detailed discussions with the Discovery Programme experts on the construction of the database and a project website.
April 2008
Funding received from the Heritage Council for the ‘Mapping death: people, boundaries and territories in Ireland, 1st to 8th centuries AD’ (Grant no. 16661)